Welcome to Catholic Moment. I hope and pray that by journeying together we will both be able to not only discover the riches that the Catholic Church has to offer, but also draw nearer to Christ.
Why Catholic Moment, and why this moment?
The seeds for Catholic Moment were sown way back in November of 2011 when I began blogging under the title The Fisherman’s Shoes as answer to the call for a New Evangelization. Looking back at my initial posts of over 7 years ago (which you can read here and here), I realize that it’s the same desire to deepen my own understanding of the truth of the Catholic faith, and by doing so, I hope help others along their faith journey.
I feel that The Fisherman’s Shoes was successful in some small way. As I studied, prayed, reflected and wrote on varying subjects that came to mind or were of significance at the time, my knowledge and understanding of God’s will and Church teachings fermented and grew. From some of the discussions that my posts engendered, both positive and negative, I like to humbly think that others grew spiritually as well.
Through all of this, I always felt as if something were missing… That the Holy Spirit was calling me to take a next step. A niggling voice in the back of my mind kept calling me to bring the Good News to the francophone community through a series of short catechetical videos, an apostolate that I have had on the back burner for years. Finally, a conversation with a friend in March of 2018 pushed me to take the leap of faith that the Spirit had been calling me to do, and I began filming my first few Moment catholique videos. And since I’m a glutton for punishment, I decided to double the workload and produce the same videos in English as a Catholic Moment. There was a lot of trial and error since those first videos were shot in my basement, and I’m sure that my comfort in front of the camera and my editing skills will become more polished as Catholic Moment develops; much the same way that my writing grew and developed over the 7 years of writing at The Fisherman’s Shoes.
As Catholic Moment is meant to be a journey of discovery of the Catholic faith, made with disciples of Christ walking together, I would love to hear your feedback and questions. “As iron sharpens iron, so a man sharpens the countenance of his friend.” (Prov 27:17) Our jobs as Christians is to help each other get to heaven; may I humbly allow you to help me, as I pray that I can help you.